Monday, January 30, 2012

Good Habit Goal #1: Kind words

It's been said that it takes 21 days to form a habit so that it sticks.  For the next three weeks, I challenge myself to complimenting people every day so that they feel as appreciated and cared for as I do. I do this already, but not nearly often enough.

There have been times were one little thing someone has said made my whole day. They probably don't remember, but I do, and it felt good. It still feels good when I remember it. I'd love to make other people feel that way regularly.

The rules are easy, if you'd like to play along at home.

For the4 next 21 days, you pledge to finding at least one random, nice thing to say to someone in your life. It can be a spouse, a child, a co-worker, or a stranger online. All that matters is that you do it every day, and that it's genuine. That's it.

Now, ready, set, go!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Daily Cute is Not Cute Exactly (But Still Worth It)

Today's daily cute isn't exactly cute. Sorry about that. Still, it's awesome enough that before I knew it, I had hit replay an embarrassing number of times, and now have the Nyan Cat song stuck in my head.  Let my tale of woe warn you, friends: Once is enough. nyanyanyanya....

Friday, January 20, 2012

Daily Cute: Hairless Cat Eats Watermelon

There's something both incredibly cute and incredibly disturbing about this hairless cat eating watermelon.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Daily Cute EXTRA: Australian Shepherds, Hockey and Knee Surgery.

One week from this very moment, I will have my hospital gown on, an IV in my arm, and will likely be completely unconscious with a camera and little cutty-scrapey tools inside my leg.

I like to imagine  I'll look a lot like this during the whole procedure:
Though I'll probably look more like this:

Last summer, I was playing with my dog, and we tried to defy common practices of physics as we tried to occupy the same space at the same time. Shoutout to the guy who said that it's not possible to do that, as well as the guy who came up with the idea of inertia, because they were both totally right.

It looked like this hit, only no pads, no skates, and involving a lady and a dog instead of two hockey players.

(For the record, I would be the guy in white.)

I've been in a whole lot of pain since this happened, and Im finally getting it fixed a week from today. I wish I could be mad and blame her, but I have to tell you, I just can't. Sometimes, this is what happens when you have a big, strong working dog.

I mean, Aussies do awesome stuff, like persuade goats to get back in a pasture:
 It doesn't just start and stop with goats though, oh no. Aussies will herd anything in their path, from ferrets to ducks to cattle to chihuahuas to children. They're a bit obsessive about it: All like things must be in a group at all times. As someone who tries to be orderly, I respect this.

They're also fantastic at frisbee:
And at agility:

For dogs that look at you with their iceblue eyes and direct, creepy stare,

 ... they have the cutest pups ever.

They're not afraid of  anything, from angry cows and Bad Guys... being grinning clowns in front of the whole world.

So yeah. I guess I could be mad, but it's just not worth it. She's a wonderful dog, and despite the collision, I heart her.  I'm sure that more times than not, I'll open my eyes during recovery to see this kind of face:
And who could be mad at that?

Wish me luck, and if you have a moment and a few extra bucks, please consider donating to your local animal shelter. They could really use your help.

Daily Cute: Monifa, the Three Week Old Pygmy Hippo

This isn't funny, but it is awfully cute. I've never seen a pygmy hippo before-- they're adorable!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Daily Cute: Panda Bears Wrestling

Sorry y'all. This post is what my entire blog will look like, should SOPA and PIPA pass. No pandas, no kittens, no happy. Just me blathering on and a bunch of things that I'd like to show you, but legally won't be able to.

Stop SOPA. Stop PIPA. Spread the word.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Daily Cute: At Least This Weather Makes Someone Happy

A lot of you have finally had winter arrive, and are none too thrilled about it. These little guys seem to be pretty happy with snow, even if you're not.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Daily Cute: Treadmill Kitties

Two cats playing on a treadmill. So, how's YOUR new year's resolution coming?

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Daily Cute: Two Swimming Dogs

Captain the yellow lab swims the length of the pool underwater. This is just a little reminder that no matter how sick of winter you are, summer's on it's way soon. :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Daily Cute: Adorable Baby Sloth Yawning

Baby sloth yawning. I love sloths. I love baby sloths especially. Yawning baby sloths make me die of cute.